
Everytime I find a design that gets my attention, I have the need to take a screenshot and save it in a Notion database that I use as an inspiration resource.

I have a particular interest in the use of 3D elements in production websites. There are a lot of unexplored opportunities using these elements to express ideas and concepts in unique ways.

This site has 3 purposes:

1. A good excuse for me to try out Astro and see if i like working with the tool in a real website (so far I love it).

2. A way of sharing these findings with people that have the same interest.

3. A way for anyone interested to contribute their findings and work.

Point 3 is the biggest one for me. I would love to extend this resource to include who did the design and the tools used to do it.

If you are a designer and want to show your work, please reach out via the submit form and i will gladly add your website to the collection and credit it to you.

Hope this collection gives you some inspiration :)
